Fashion Travel Diary – Day Four

Day Four: October 25
It’s race day! Our friend Spike is racing in the Porsche Supercup, and the Austin F1 is on!
After yesterday’s down pour, we decided on the way home to go to Walmart to pick up some waterproof jackets in an attempt to keep dry. So with that I picked up this super sexy, hi-vis, bright pink jacket. Why did I choose this amazing colour I hear you ask? Because it was the only one in my size. The rest of my outfit I picked out with comfort and warmth in mind. My black jumper, light wash blue skinny jeans and my trusty, not so white, white converse.
We then went out for our last supper at the racing came to an end. And after a couple of days of extreme casual, I needed to do something to feel a little more lady like. So my black heeled ankle boots, black skinny jeans, grey polka dot jumper and black leather jacketed was exactly what I needed.
We headed out to Salt Lick – another place Man V Food has visited. So naturally the BBQ was pretty great!
All in all it was a really fun weekend, besides the rain, the mud, the cold weather and did I mention rain? But tomorrow is another travel day, another city, and more adventures to come.